Photos and Bios

Instructions for downloading images and copy
Downloading Image Files Scroll down the album page for "mini" versions of  the color and black & white artist photos as well as the  cover image.  

High resolution print quality versions of these images are also available from each web page.   Links to the "hires" files are adjacent to the "mini" below.  

The image resolution is 300 DPI and is stored as a high quality jpeg in RGB mode. The file sizes average around 450 KBytes and should be suitable for almost all print requirements. However, if a higher resolution version of this image is required, please contact your Luaka Bop media representative.

To VIEW the full size image in your browser Left-Click on the "hires" link below. Please note, the image will appear many times larger on screen than its actual print size.

To DOWNLOAD the file and save it to your hard disk use the method appropriate for your own computer system, as follows:

Windows users: Click on the "HiRes" link below.  Your  browser will launch, displaying the image.  Please note, the image will appear many times larger on screen than its actual print size.   Then you can Right-Click on the image itself and select Save Link/Target as... Save the file to your computer's own drive by naming it with the .jpg  file extension, example SO2bw.jpg 

Macintosh users: Click on the "hires" link.  Your browser will launch and display the image.  Please note, the image will appear many times larger on screen than its actual print size.  Click-hold  on the image.  A pop-up window will appear.  Select   "Download image to disk".  Save the file to a specified folder or desktop your own drive by naming it with the .jpg  file extension, example SO8bw.jpg 

Downloading Biography Biography Text File
To save the biography file to your own drive, click on the text version.  A black and white version will come up in your browser.  Follow the saving instructions above for your own computer system. Save the file to your computer's own drive by naming it with the .txt or .doc  file extension, example Shuggie.doc
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